
A visitor may not  publish or reproduce copyright protected works or other information mentioned on our Bertels website without permission from Bertels B.V. We cannot guarantee that the information on our website Bertels is suitable for the purpose for which the information is consulted. All information, products and services are offered in a state in which they actually are and without any (implicit) warranty or guarantee as to their suitability or aptitude for a certain purpose or otherwise.

We exclude all liability for any direct or indirect damages of any kind arising from or in any way connected with the use of our Bertels website or with the temporary impossibility to consult our Bertels website. We are also not liable for direct or indirect damages resulting from the use of information obtained through our Bertels website.

Bertels sells its products only to retailers and wholesalers who are registered with the Chamber of Commerce  and who comply with the requirements of Bertels. Bertels does  explicitly not sell to individuals. Bertels abides by the laws of the countries in which it does business.

Always carefully use Bertels fertilisers according to the instructions on the packaging and the information on the website. Bertels has no control over the circumstances in which Bertels products are used and therefore excludes any liability for damages, direct or indirect, in any way caused by the use of Bertels products.

Contact information
Ommelpad 2
6035 PC Ospel
+31 (0)495 631 559